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Home Inspection Whisperer's Podcast

Dec 31, 2020

In today's video Matt and I go over some random funny home inspection stories. Thank you for listening and if you need any help on your home inspection business please send your questions through Like always take it easy and catch us on the next one.

Dec 20, 2020

Today Mary and I break down question from an email that a prospect inspector sent in. We also talk about the chaos of the real estate market that we operate in at all times.

Dec 6, 2020

In this episode I chat with Paula, Solutions Manager at America's Call Center. Paula and I talk about the importance of customer experience. A home inspection should be more than just an inspection, it should be a full customer experience.

Nov 29, 2020

Michael Conrad (The Diligent Inspector) and I break down the Pros and Cons on becoming a Home Inspector. Follow along as we talk about the struggles we face home inspecting.

Nov 22, 2020

Today Matt and I answer a prospect inspectors questions about the transition in to inspecting from a full time job.